How to train modern man ...Forgotten panty theory

How to train modern man ...Forgotten panty theory

In the above to make i will discuss extensively the various stages and signs of manhood expected behavior.
How to mark your territories as a man 

How to make man feel part of house hold..
How to make man feel part of bedroom.....
How to become a true man have a gazebo...

Artifacts than cement a mans presence in places he steps in.

Whether it is single mom or whole nuclear family a boy child should not be allowed to over mingle with soon as they stop suckling....
Boys are supposed to be separated and trained not to talk respond walk or even roll their eyes and mouth like a woman..more so the modern woman...because these is the first deculturalizing male being.
With want or by need boys should be taught and stopped adopting play with girls toys or girls games...that fail of training models boys to become feme like males and they in future will not understand when told my other boys to turn and get those get a fix.

The nature of a boy is to be taught to have their items in order and shown how to tool up for basic fixes and be beside male adults as early as possible to learn skills.
The kitchen should be out of bounds for boys because for more than one reasons ...that place a woman feels comfortable from how they act sit and dress...hereby in Africa known as gûtengûka...loosly translated as seating legs apart loosely unkept...
That act of freedoms in the kitchen is enjoyed by a girl 5yrs old together with a woman 100 yrs old and there is no bother to either of them.
It is basic knowledge that when a boy steps inside a room full of women it is normal hygiene for them to rush fixing their dresses and sitting posture.

Now for the older man...the married man a certain order applies.

It is common knowledge that once you marry the house you call yours automatically becomes the wifes’. Anything you call yours and can be shared cease to be yours but hers.That ypu cannot argue if you want peace.
This is the first stage where men start slowly experiencing in acceptance or unwelcome at their own houses.

The next phase all women apply is that they will slowly pack all your equipment and boy gadgets to a certain corner right just before the are burn or thrown out in the name of occupying “everywhere “ in the “wife’s house “ which you acquired or pay for.
Because men love peace and more so love the new breed in the place they give in to all the redesigns and opt to not argue in the name of feeling not very neat to womans standards.
Now the phase where men run off and start coming home rate is when the woman starts watching tv 24 hours after work ,i mean you actually do not get a chance to operate the remote...because it is their tv too...
The immediate response or escapism for the man is to turn to his radio or music player which to his surprise he finds pit also it is causing noise at night and distracting the wife from hearing and watching her tv.

Now the man is chased from the basic culmination or me time devices. But you have bot had anything yet.
For those men who enjoy a smooth drink or a wine and the wives do not get it very hard and mind you “no man wants the wife a drunk” get an early notice that they do mot want alcoholic drinks in the house.

Now you might think it is a good idea again to be respectful and look responsible in case you plan to be parents in future which is the main mating result.
Just before a man thinks he can now have a quick nap.. he gets hit with the next toll of orders and duties ,honey could you please help me clean cook or either pack or arrange the bedroom...not that we MEN hate work it is just that we hate being hit with options men plan to do things and nothing conflicts with other a good order is always loved or one option... And now the man will automatically prefer coming home tomorrow.. that is how men ended up from am Home gaming or MOVieIng to now always with the boys out.

Do not argue it always go that way... and some women want now to even follow you to the club or with the boys to make sure they occupy all of you...
Notice i have not even mentioned how they women order which friends you should keep where and when... and most not in her house.

Now if you want to feel at home no1
Women love when a man fights for her but also fights for his order as given by God as  leader of the home.
It is upon you to make sure the woman knows you atleast have a corner in your house and that there are untouchable items that belongs to you.
It is your duty to know where you shoes are and belts chains and other wearables else she will do for you and you will hardly love it daily.

For men who can it is standard practice to have a man office at home which is you escape bedroom tv room studio sitting small kitchen meetings area,i mean it is your actual HEADQUARTERS above anything else you own outside...filing office documents of importance and all things concerning family importance in general... women are not generally blessed knowing every where certain gadgets are or documents furthermore they love to love men with order.

If you are more blessed it is your duty to build your main home A GAZEBO behind your wifes originally your house.
This is where you can bet fight date,drink politic and fake or truly be happy with the boys ...this is the mans HeadQuarters..

And now you become a true man...else you shall fight with your wife and you will loose everytime and forever.

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