I DO NOT INTEND TO CHANGE REGGAE AS PEOPLE FEEL OR MY THINK..ITS ABOUT making something optional that is not partisan...

For a long time reggae has dominated neutralism that you can get recognition by white UN and or even win a Grammy... this is not wrong but has naturally designated reggae as a competition music..and there is a great deal for those who are willing to invest.


But something is wrong there is division in reggae Gospel reggae what about those who sing in chinese or japanese or islamic..?

This is why we need something neutral..

ÚÚMBi Music is not DUB ,Dub is drum and bass, 

ÚÚMBi Music is not acoustic ,aacoustic is Vocals and some guitar or konga drums

ÚÚMBi Music is elimination of some of the main three elements that build a reggae sound..


and the end must contain vocals,and BASS

Vocals and Guitar


Vocals and Keys no more that Three Instruments must or will be used...


ÚÚMBi Music is about listening to the words and letting those who can not hear feel the vibration.

ÚÚMBi Music is for those who cannot see nor hear be able to listen or say..

ÚÚMBi Music is about letting those with a serious message no matter their religion background since we all belong to one GOD ,have a sound .

Welcome to the future of ÚÚMBi Music.the music of all CREATION 

ÚÚMBi Music


The reggae problem 

When i first knew me and got introduced by radio to reggae I thought i was so glad to discover the music of humanity ,creation and appreciation.  
I thought i was listening to the music of ÛÛMBI (ûûmbi)
The music of all creation.
When did reggae become Christians music...
The music you currently know as public was once illegal to play sing along or even advertise.
So what exactly is ÚÚMBi [ÚÚMBi is a agikuyu word that means natural creation.] so ÚÚMBi Music music is the music that speaks good and the state of all creation.

The music was suppose to be played as a tool to spark and empower self liberation... justice revolution music and self awareness without the designer gospel reggae!”CHURCH CONNOTATIONS” or grammy award music. Maybe some other peoples too should start Buddha reggae or Chinese islam reggae or even hindu reggae affiliations.

The sound the Words and the beat was suppose to cut across any gender language religion anti religion or even government.’The music of the or for the unspeakable for those who feel silenced .

The reason reggae is failing is because the moviesmakers use it as sound effects,radio as bill    Payment method for earning,governments  use it as political tools,clubs use it as entertainment and pass time,christians have occupied the space reggae and so all the other humanity is feeling segregated by the same music that should  havenot.

Reggae is suppose to be illegal because it should not identify with the current world order system.

The music reggae was suppose to be anti slavely anti religious identity tag.. anti corruption anti governance that is with partiality and anti a systematic system that is aimed to control humans or to select some people as special or some as rejects.

The reggae was not and is not for awards remuneration or multinational corporations tool for business. Its is not either a UN OR deserving of american or euro awarding it as world thing.

The commercialization and marketing put on the reggae is to kill the identity ,(eye dentity ) that was to make it known that anyone rejected as a creation and part of nature feels worthy knows they are worthy and are human and only as part of all nature...

The reggae was and is supposed to be an anti space race .. anti weapons and anti mars or moon adventures that are designated for conquering creation to protect interests of f a few who think in terms of running away if earth was inhabitable due to human pollution in search of living forever or not dying sick.

The reggae was and is suppose to be the music that celebrate Death ,life ,birth and being of everything apart from what mankind creates in search of happiness living forever and being special to other animals trees or water.

Perhaps its time we create a new sound a new music not the reggae dancehall that advertise drugs as the youth in jamaica have put it...

The reggae needs a new name ÛÛMBI (ûûmbi) because we have lost the whole damn idea (reggae).

This is going to be a music that plays with bassist and the guitar or keyboard riffs only...  so that the music is not commercializable ,so that the sound spark the thought THING and the listening insticts all over again...

The current reggae is too controlled and made to be as the colonizers did with signing of hip hop and movie creation. No one EVER LISTENS TO THE MUSIC AGAIN. Because the music is now  pass time and it is more of club awards and Christians eye-dentity...

Where is the home for orphans,slaves of weapons and internet,the muslim the hindu the chinese the japan the namaste the pagan the asante and the human .. the people who wants only to BE HUMAN.

Where is it again are we suppose to speak quietly about the space race ,destruction of resources ,satellites the over creation of medical weapons ,biological weapons ,and human weapons.The internet ,the computers, THE AI that is to replace humans only to please business adventurers and increase billionaires profits only taking away what a daily laborer dues was as a reparation to restore humanity ,but instead  helping ( the AI) in programming and making people become zombies of money and tv t congratulate rockets robots and satellites glorifying 3g,4g,5g and tv or mobile screens and in return ,it is creation of human desire for bigger bank accounts super cars and back at it again AI to enhance those same needs and killing the desire of being  alive human and care taker of life plants water earth .

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