Record Your Dreams.

 ABove all Sleep Is the most inevitable..whether day or night when its time to nap or get the jab it must be just like a real disease.

Why then in our rest does our bodies travel and roam the earth ?

This is the true confirmation for humans not to fear death,because even in death the spirit roams and does speak and move .For all that is given to you is true and food to consume so is the dreams.

Never let a dream that you remember go matter how ridiculous you will be amazed how dreams translate.thus is the true mode of self talk,communication and informate,in our daily lives many things happen while we walk and talk mingle and roam,but in sleep our visions mistakes and all truths are revealed .

just DREAM,let it remain...

Only A few Walk with a blessing...

Dont be fooled many live on luck and inheritance,many ahve connections to high places and some cheat their way up when given a chance,but only a few actually walk with a blessing.


its not easy to pin point those people because they might be the least in a situation and the most unreputable or mean of minimum in terms of public eyes respecs.


but the gut and the pure spirit never lies,if you evaluate correctly and rightfully you will see the unseen..if you are not drunk with favouritism and greed for self success and will see the hidden,if you listen you will here some people actually do know...


and it falls in like rain when the truths starts to reveal and if you are ready...associate with those people and mingle along there is a never ending suppply of good luck and blessings ,do not ignore if the said seem unblessed their blessings are not in the physichal would never understand in a 1000 .....years ..e

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