What is ASMR? Why Everyone is Searching for SELF Healing and Relaxation.

What is ASMR?
ASMR trigger points
ASMR means:> and stands for [autonomous sensory meridian response]

What does it do?  activating [a kind of adrenaline rush]  body sensors triggers that make life beings respond to sense of self .

How is it activated? ASMR is and can be targeted to heal ,calm, trigger fear or scary feeling with intention of either finding self or responding to others actions or acting  as would another person ,so to say.

Does ASMR work on anyone? As long as your body is alive and non intoxicated or non numb ,yes it does.[but response time frequency and percentage depends with amounts of exposure to certain environments.
This is to mean ASMR to a doctor about disease is meaningless neither dead bodies or wounds. but heights eating and shocking may work,different professionals act different to certain circumstances depending to level of exposure .


What is target-ted ASMR ?  people with certain needs in terms of lets say entertainment, hobby,healing or relaxation seek for such pleasures through music,music videos,action videos,movies,sounds,nature ,action thrills ,jumps,danger stunts,killing or destruction events .

How to get healed through ASMR?
Map of ASMR points
Have you ever heard that if you are sick and go to a hospital you sometimes just get well as you leave even without medicine or doctors attention?
Well that is ASMR trigger by medicine smell,thoughts of people sick than you and sick body parts self heal by the accelerated thoughts unto the ill or ailment.


This is the same way ASMR PRODUCED OR INDUCED WORKS DO,this is why people go to chinese massage or the japanese NEEDLE MASSAGE and watch or get inflicted with certain amounts of pain to help the body send healing signals to that areas and heal or help the body recover muscles or send blood cells that involve relaxation as a type of healing.

Its is not alien if you find yourself attracted to watching hollow movies ,death stunts or dead things,the feeling is apart of confirming ones own awareness and feeling of alive,this is the same method where people go to watch magic just to come close to experiencing the reality of being alive in the way that some things are impossible to some and others not the same.

Due to high frequency of work and chasing dreams and property people get so confused nd actually forget the SELF or the BODY awareness this is why it is good to watch videos of people doing worse than you always or visiting people worse than you in any mentionable condition.

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