PLanDemic The Execution of the unhealthy and the Old

 I hope you have noticed how many old people ,veterans,addicts,presick,and people with conditions are dying of covid common cold.

Oh you thought i was down with the plan? No i might be low and down but never agrees with wicked plans.

CHina has been fighting for a presence and revenge against white poeple,but white people made and intended release of a pandemic..china beat them to it by stealing intellectual property through hacks and large investments.

This is how the win or atleast they start to.

I am limited on how much to say but i can hint what i mean.this is a big mans table..and you and i are not in it..were are not invited nor considered important.

the worst is yet to come,lets discuss this on subscribers emails i am sending a full review of what the plan is after the virus starts to evolves.

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