Sex,You may wanna Know


People who do not have sex attract good luck...
When they sit with women they really attract them more without even saying or doing a thing.

You see sex is a recreation tool.. Yes.. sex as a recreation tool is also a denial tool..
You can either decide to abstain to build a talent or give in and bear children...

Sex also controls you daily life..
Never have sex when you are preparing for a big deal
Never have sex on a first day to an interview ..

Never have sex when travelling.

Avoid sex when using vehicles or driving for long distances..

Never have sex when you are going to host an event...

Never have sex while administering a spiritual act eg interpreting dreams.. seeking natural answers..
Reaching out to the spiritual world..

Or even when seeking Godly response.. this is due to it being a barrier between

long ago before white people came to africa.. 

Every peoples had their own medicine men blacksmith spiritual leaders rain makers and seers..
Those people were only allowed and self allowed to marry for only a period of 10 years.. between their second decade and or the third..

That was also the period that established what kind of a person they would be .. that also helped preserve that seed.

Later those people would be dedicated or dedicate themselves to secretive lives of creation of medicine and all the other talents...

Spiritual people were even far more apart when it came to sexual lives..  this is because when the stars speak it is only children or the purest that understand..

One very easy example to current life is “try not having sex for a week for those who do and notice the kind of dreams and amount of the same..
To be continued...

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